  • 08 Aug 2023
  • 2 دقائق للقراءة
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This feature allows the User to apply a category for Retention purposes. These categories are Agency-specific and can be configured to be or say whatever is deemed necessary by the Agency from Getac Enterprise. These categories will remain the same unless otherwise configured by an administrator. To select a Category, rotate the category wheel to one of the four positions and press the center button to confirm. Each time the wheel is rotated, the Category name will be spoken.

  • If no Category selection is made within 8 seconds, the video will automatically be marked uncategorized with a pre-defined Retention period.
  • All audible and visual cues are disabled in Covert Mode. No Category will be said out loud while in this mode.

See the image below for an overview:

Ex. Categorization Process
  • The BC-03can be configured to beep and/or vibrate once when a recording is started.
    • If covert mode is engaged, there will be no spoken audible “recording”.
  • When used with the Mobile Video Solution, the category wheel may be disabled. 
    • Whichever Category is selected on the Mobile Video Solution interface will apply automatically to the BC-03recording to avoid having to categorize both systems separately. 
      • The BC-03 will not say, "Categorize" if the wheel is disabled.
  • Categorization can also be done in the Getac BWC03 App available in the Apple iOS App Store or MDT App.

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