iOS Mobile App
  • 29 Aug 2023
  • 9 دقائق للقراءة
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iOS Mobile App

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The Getac BC-03 mobile app allows a User to interact with their recorded Assets without the need for an MDT or docking station. Download the app for free from the Apple App Store here.

  • Assets shown are what are currently in storage on the BWC and NOT those that have already been uploaded to Getac Enterprise.
  • The mobile app does NOT support offload to Getac Enterprise.



Once downloaded, login with the same credentials used to access Getac Enterprise. The following occurs once logged in:

  • The mobile app will scan for any assigned cameras nearby 
  • Once found, a prompt to connect to the camera via Wi-Fi will be displayed.
  • If login fails, an error message will be shown.
  • If no BWC is assigned to the User, they will not be able to use the Mobile App. See Assignments for how to do this.
  • If login fails, an error message will be shown.

Live View

When selected, the Live Video screen presents a preview of the livestream, as well as the BC-03 battery status and recording controls for the connected BC-03 device. When no recording is in progress, navigation to Assets is shown at the bottom of the screen, and a context menu is available at the top right. Orientation of the live view can be rotated using the control at the top left of the screen, or by physically rotating the iPhone.


In addition to starting a recording using the physical Record button, a recording can also be started directly from the app. To do so, tap the record button from the Live View page. Once started, a recording duration timer will appear in the top-center of the screen. During the recording, tap the bookmark icon to set a bookmark. There is a bookmark count indicator that will keep track of the number of bookmarks made. 

Bookmarks are used to make key point-in-time reference points on the timeline during playback. A picture is also taken.

Stop recording may be done directly from the BC-03 camera or from the app. To stop recording directly from the app, tap the stop recording button. Once a recording is completed, the Category selection screen will be displayed.

Category Selection

The Choose Category screen is shown once a recording has been completed. It is also accessible from any recorded asset from the Assets screen and in the Asset Detail.

The Choose Category screen is used to select one or more categories to associate with the Asset. Tap to select one or more Category items from the list. Tap again to deselect any items in the list. Selected categories appear highlighted with a checkmark. Once the desired categories have been selected, tap the Next button in the top-right.

  • Categories are used to categorize Assets and apply a Retention and upload policy.
  • At least one Category must be applied before navigating away. Tap the cancel button if no changes are desired or to change a Category selection.

Category Forms

Depending on how configured, some of the available categories may have one or more associated custom forms. Upon selecting a Category, the form entry or form selection screen will be displayed.

The content of each form is unique to each Agency. On the Category Form screen, complete all required form fields. Once completed, click the Save button in the top-right corner. To abandon any form entries (or changes), tap the back button icon in the top-left corner.


The Assets screen shows a full listing of all Assets currently available on the BC-03 device.

A thumbnail image and basic information about each Asset is shown in a list. For any Assets that are not categorized, they will have the Not Categorized label. Click the actions icon to Add Category and Form, or to Edit Category and Form for an Assetthat has already been categorized. Swipe the screen up or down to navigate through the list. Tap an Asset in the list to enter the video’s Asset Detail page.

Asset Detail

The Asset Detail screen allows you to view details about the recorded Asset, view associated form data, see bookmarks, add or edit category and form, and access playback for the video. 

In the case of when an Asset has not been categorized yet, it will have no form data displayed and will have an Add Category and Form button in the Form Data tab section.

Tap the actions icon to Categorize or Edit a Category and Form applied to the Asset. Tap the Form Data or Bookmarks tabs to view the corresponding information. Swipe up or down in the lower section to navigate these subsections. If any bookmarks were added during the recording process, those bookmarks will show in the Bookmarks tab along with built-in bookmarks with labels for Video Start and Video End. Tap on an item with the play icon in the bookmarks list to start the video playback at that bookmark point.


The Playback screen provides a full-featured video player for reviewing Assets.

The Playback screen has ability for playback in portrait or landscape - the display and controls will shift depending on the device’s orientation.

The volume feature works while interacting with the physical volume feature on the mobile device, or by interacting with the feature directly in the app. To interact with the volume feature directly in the app, tap the volume icon to enable/disable mute and control volume level. Pause or resume playback by tapping the pause button in the bottom center of the screen. The orange tick marks indicate bookmarks along the timeline bar. 

The yellow tick marks are built-in bookmarks that indicate the start and end of the video. Drag the timeline scrubber left or right to navigate through the timeline. The timing indicators under the timeline bar denote the duration of the video. The duration on the left denotes how far into the video the scrubber is on. The duration on the right represents how much time is left of the video from the point of where the scrubber is.



Logging into the mobile app requires the following:

  • Physical proximity to a BC-03 BWC which is powered on.
  • Bluetooth and Wi-Fi enabled on the iPhone with app permissions granted.
  • Getac Enterprise Login credentials for the assigned user of the BC-03.

Login fails with correct credentials

In some cases, login will fail when using the correct user credentials. This is typically because the camera has not received a User Assignment from Getac Enterprise.

To correct this issue, follow these steps:

  • Synchronize the BC-03 camera with Getac Enterprise by docking it in an MD-03 or an internet-connected VD-03
  • Log into Getac Enterprise, browse to the Detailed Unit page, and confirm that it is online and has a current Last Checked In time.

App is unable to find a BWC

In some cases, the mobile app will not identify a camera that is nearby. Some common causes are listed below:

  • Incorrect login credentials - Only BWCs that are assigned to the logged-in User will appear in the list if in range. If a camera is not showing up, and it has been assigned, see Login fails with correct credentials.
  • Camera is not nearby (iOS)- The iPhone must be within range of the camera to communicate via Bluetooth. If the camera is out of range, it will not be found.
    Keep the BWC within a few feet of the iPhone to ensure the best connection.
  • Camera is not powered on, or is not fully booted - The BC-03 must be powered on and fully booted to allow app connections.
    The startup process can take approximately 1-2min to fully complete.

App is unable to stop recording

The BWC will prioritize its operation to ensure video pre-buffer and recording data integrity. Mobile app Users may receive an error message when requesting to stop recording. When this error is seen, please wait 30 seconds and try again.

App is unable to show Live View

If the BC-03 is docked in a single or multi-dock, the live view function will not be available. To use the live preview function, the camera must be undocked.

Live View can be used while the BWC is connected to a magnetic breakaway charger.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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