Add new User
  • 26 Aug 2023
  • 4 دقائق للقراءة
  • داكن
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Add new User

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This article showcases features generally available to Supervisor roles and above. 

However, since Getac Enterprise is highly configurable, the ability to complete tasks described in this article may be different for each User, depending on policy. Please contact an administrator with all access questions and concerns.

To create a new User account within Getac Enterprise, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Main Users Page.
  2. Click on the Page icon.
  3. Add the following profile items:
    1. Login ID* - Username  
    2. First Name*
    3. Middle Initial - Optional.
    4. Last Name*
    5. Email*
    6. Phone Number - Optional.
    7. Unique ID - Optional. Badge or Employee ID number.
    8. RFIDTag - Optional, unless using an RFID reader with DVR-based systems.
    9. Station Group* - System Admin only. This will default to whichever Station is currently being accessed for Station Admins.
    10. Station* - System Admin only. This will default to whichever Station is currently being accessed for Station Admins.
    11. Role* - Select which Role will be given to the User.
    12. User Profile - This overrides the Profile associated with the selected Role.
    13. Group - Select which User Group the User will belong to.
    14. Deactivate on - Choose a date to automatically deactivate the User.
      Indicates a mandatory field.
  4. Choose from the following options:
    1. Send Activation Link - An email will be sent to the recipient with a link that lets them set up their password.
    2. Generate Temporary Password - A temporary password will be generated which must be provided to the User. An option to require the User to change the password on first login is available.
    3. Set Password - Create a custom password. An option to require the User to change the password on first login is available.
  5. Click the save button.
Users created using this method MUST be managed directly within Getac Enterprise. If using AD integration, Users must be created and managed by the AD Administrator. Getac support cannot correct issues with ADUser passwords or accounts. Contact an administrator or IT staff for assistance with AD-managed Accounts.

See the image below for an example:
Ex. Add a User

If a User fails to utilize the activation link in 24 hours, it can be resent from the main Users page under the gear icon, as shown in the image below:Ex. Resend Activation Link


Withdraw Invitation

If a pending User no longer needs access to Getac Enterprise, the invitation can be withdrawn from the Main Users page under the Wrench icon as shown in the image below:Ex. Withdraw Invitation 

Once a User has created their password, the invitation cannot be withdrawn. See Deactivate Accounts for how to prevent a User from logging in.

See the image below for how to send a link to a User for setting up their security questions. These are used in the event of forgetting a password.

Ex. Send Security Questions Link 

  • The process for setting up Security Questions is covered in detail here.
  • Contact for additional assistance.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.