Detailed Asset Page
  • 10 Aug 2023
  • 2 دقائق للقراءة
  • داكن
  • PDF

Detailed Asset Page

  • داكن
  • PDF

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The Detailed Asset page provides comprehensive access to playback, tools, Metadata, and historical data for an Asset.

Click on the image below for an overview:
Detailed Asset Page Overview.png

  • Filename - Begins with the Unit ID, then a sequence number, then day, month, year, time (24-hour clock).
  • Note:

    Filename structure example: Unit1_Front_1_03282022151517

  • Type - Type of media, e.g. video, image, etc.
  • Visibility - Availability for playback, e.g. Available, Deleted, etc.
  • Username - Name of User(s) who captured the Asset.
  • Unit ID - Machine name of capturing device.
  • Capture Date - Date of Asset capture.
  • Upload Date - Date when Asset was uploaded.
  • Checksum - Security hash validator for digital forensic comparison.
  • Tool Tabs - Different screens for adding additional Metadata, sharing, tagging into a Case, or viewing the Evidence Audit Trail.
  • Video Player - Asset player. Allows for review of multiple Assets at the same time to see all angles of an incident.
  • Video Duration - Length of video Asset.
  • File Size - Size of video Asset.
  • Life Span - Time remaining on applied Retention period.
  • Age - Time since applied retention period began.
  • Map - GPS data appears here and follows during playback via Breadcrumb trail.

This series of articles includes the following sections:

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