File Upload Status
  • 10 Aug 2023
  • 1 دقيقة للقراءة
  • داكن
  • PDF

File Upload Status

  • داكن
  • PDF

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This screen provides the upload status of an Asset. To access it, navigate to Assets > File Upload Status.

Ex. File Upload Status 

The Status column represents the current state of upload. 

Statuses include:

  • Queued: The Asset is in line to upload based on priority and date/time stamp.
  • Uploading: The Asset is currently uploading.
  • Verified Hash: Asset has uploaded successfully.
  • Completed: Asset upload completed successfully.
  • Failed: Assetupload has failed.
Ex. File Upload Status page


To change the priority of a queued Asset, click the checkbox to its left, then the priority button as shown in the image below:

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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