View Tab
  • 14 Nov 2023
  • 3 دقائق للقراءة
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View Tab

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The View tab is the default view for the Detailed Asset Page

Training Video

Watch the video below for how to use the Asset Player and Map:

Map overlay Legend

Asset player overlay 

Metadata items captured during a recording are overlaid on top of a video in the Asset Player

These items include the following:

  • Date Time - The top right corner of the player displays the date and time of the Asset.
  • Sensors - The top left corner of the player will show a letter to indicate the type of sensor or trigger that is active at that time, e.g. L = light bar, B = brakes.
  • GPS - The lower middle section of the player displays latitude, longitude, and altitude of the Asset.
  • Speed - This is shown just after the GPS coordinates in the lower middle section of the Asset Player.
  • Radar - Displays the speed captured from a speed radar system.

To turn off portions of the overlay, click on the gear icon at the bottom center of the Asset Player, then the Overlay icon. Uncheck the box to turn off a particular item.

See the image below for how to turn off portions of the overlay during playback:

Ex. Turn off overlay elements

Add an Annotation

This tool allows you to draw attention to a specific area of an Asset during playback. To begin, click on the note icon and select which camera to add. The page will reload with only the selected video in the video player.

Annotations added to a video do not track or follow objects and will be visible to any user that has permission to access that Asset.

See the image below for how to add an annotation:

Ex. Add an annotation

Sync Timelines

This tool allows for correcting time drift between two or more video Assets. Click the sync icon to make adjustments to the time until the videos all playback together.

Ex. Sync Timelines

Reasons for viewing

If enabled, Users will be required to provide a Reason for Viewing before the Asset will play back on the View Tab

To add a Reason for viewing, perform the following:

  1. Follow the instructions from the video to begin playback.
    Require Reason will appear on the bottom right side of the Asset Player.
  2. Click the Play button
  3. Select Other.
    Custom reasons can be added by an administrator to the list from the Asset Viewing Reasons Template page. 
  4. Type a Reason in the text box.
  5. Click on Save.
Users must enter a new reason for viewing the same Asset once they've logged out and back in, but not during the same login session, e.g. User watches a video, goes to a different page in Getac Enterprise, then returns to watch the same Asset.

See the image below for an example:

Ex. Reasons for Viewing

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